Friday, November 24, 2006

PARIS DAY 7.1: Rain at St. Michele

The plan for today was going to be: sleep in, I go to lunch with Teresa at noon, Jay and I have a picnic, and then we go out for a fancy dinner.

We definitely sleep in...until 11:40. I jumped out of bed and got ready to go out, no time to shower. I ran to the station and took the B four stops ahead, to St. Michele where I was supposed to meet Teresa at the fountain of said saint. I got there ten minutes late, and no one was waiting for me. I waited awhile longer...I watched other parties come, meet up, and leave, and still no sign of Teresa. At 12:30 she finally showed up, 10 kilo turkey in hand (for all you back home, that is over twnety pounds).

Turns out that when she went to get her turkey, the shopkeeper thought she had wanted it for tomorrow. He had it on hand, thankfully, but it was not prepared at all. She had to wait while he chopped off its head and cleaned it out, doing so cheerfully, taking his time and cracking jokes about Americans.

By the way, this was the only turkey Teresa could find in all of Paris (and found after she had given up and gone out to buy a ham and ended up looking up and seeing this huge bird hanging in the shop), except for one other store which was sold out. This other store is actually called Thanksgiving, and is run by an American woman and her French husband, and they sell all kinds of American delicacies (and I'm positive they make a killing). They have mac and cheese, pumpkin pie filling!, peanut butter, and all other sorts of Kraft products, apparently.

So, this enormous turkey is for the Thanksgiving feast Teresa is making tonight (yes, a day late, but so what?). After dropping off the bird and getting some panini, we go back to her little flat and even tinier kitchen, Joy of Cooking in hand, to figure out what to do with this thing.

Also on the menu: mashed potatoes, stuffing, greenbeans with bacon, and pumpkin, apple, and pecan pie, all made by hand.

We got the turkey in a tin, and it fit (you'll the picture) just barely into the oven--it reaches from one side to the other. Slathered in butter, there it sits. I think it will turn out fine.

It was great to hang out with the lovely Teresa. We chatted about Paris and travel and classes and Chicago. She's taking polisci classes here (her professor is the French ambassador to Englang, I believe) and living by Notre Dame in an apartment with her 18-year old sister who is studying acting and another Chicago student. In her (hah) free time she is a language asistant at a French school. Her life is pretty crazy, and it was wonderful to be spared a moment in that schedule to see her. =) I hope their thanksgiving goes over beautifully.

More later.



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