Tuesday, October 17, 2006

a solution is presented

My inner (and sometimes exterior) struggle about doing something worthwhile, significant, humanitarian with my life no longer has to take its previously agonized form, for a solution has been presented that sets my heart much at ease.

While certainly something I have thought about, I had no idea the effect that the pressures of intellectual "success" have been having on me (though it is no surprise to me now that they did): the pressure to gain that next degree, to build that organization, to save that aspect of life for someone or a people. Happiness, and therefore success, takes all forms; there is more than one way to help another human being.

Why should I stress over the good that I can do in the politcal realm of life? Politics, in whatever form, will always be there (and with whatever corruptions fit the times). But there is more to existence than the political aspect. Indeed, what I think I have always known is that we have far more control, as individuals, over our individual selves. Living for the good can take the form of becoming one's higher self; this is something that every person can achieve if they can see how.

Art does not have to be a selfish endeavor; neither does writing. Artistic expression can help those who view it understand how to understand themselves as individuals, their happinesses, their successes; it can inspire a turning.

This is a worthwhile achievement.

(10.16.06, Change Your Mind with Danielle Allen, greenroom)


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