Wednesday, June 28, 2006

summer goes and woes

Summer is an interesting time. A time where one has, well, time, and I think that it offers unique opportunities. Supposedly you really get to "meet a man" when the situation is the most dire, the most primal, when everything is stripped down to the barest feelings of passion, love and pain.
I'd rather see what someone does when faced with boredom.

How am I doing at my own test? Meh. Better than last summer, but then, I'm doing more this summer, and with more interesting people around, so times are better. But, I still feel I am learning something valuable about myself in the fact that when I don't have to be at work until 1pm, it's difficult to make myself do anything productive in the morningtimes prior, even though I'm up by 9am. I made it to the computer lab to work on my DVD once, I read some graphic novels, and tha's about the most I've managed to be productive in the mornings.

So, what have I learned about myself? I guess I already knew this, that I wanted to work more in the morning precisely because I wasn't going to be useful in that time at home. Though, if I had a working oven, I might be baking...but that is a separate issue and one that is not my fault in the slightest. But--I work afternoons mostly, and not mornings, so I need to come up with a solution soon. And perhaps I should also find ways to be more self-reliant when it comes to entertainment...?

Well. Yes. Rambleramble.

(today, just now, in my apartment)


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